After spending four long, horrific months in Hell, Dean Winchester is miraculously raised from the Underworld and resurrected by an ang...
After spending four long, horrific months in Hell, Dean
Winchester is miraculously raised from the Underworld and resurrected by an
angel of the Lord God Himself named Castiel, one of several angels who appears
throughout the season. After Dean reunites with his father-figure friend Bobby
and his brother Sam, the rest of the season follows the brothers, with the help
of their friend Bobby, as they work with Castiel and his subordinate and friend
Uriel, a fellow angel, to stop Lilith's plan of breaking the 66 Seals to unlock
a cage in Hell, which will allow the release of the fallen archangel Lucifer
himself, also called the Devil, who was once the favored angel of God but
rebelled against Heaven for refusing to serve humans and therefore was cast
down and banished.
Along the way, the boys meet a girl named Anna who not only
has the ability to hear angels but is also a fallen angel herself. Eventually,
angels turn up dead and the angels capture Alastair, Hell's Grand Torturer
demon who seems to know Dean well, and they ask Dean to torture him with them
assuming its the demons killing the angels, but Alastair, before he dies, says
its not the demons. And eventually, Castiel learns that his own brother Uriel
turns out to not only be working for Lucifer, but has convinced several
loyalist angels to join him and to free Lucifer from his cage. Along the way,
Dean learns that he broke the first seal while he was in Hell by being
convinced by Alastair to slaughter innocent souls in the Underworld, especially
when he reveals to Sam that he wasn't in Hell for four months but instead 40
years. Additionally, the brothers meet a Prophet of the Lord named Chuck.
Sam and Dean's relationship is also strained as Sam starts
siding with Ruby over Dean. He also begins to give into his demonic side by
drinking demon blood to become strong enough to kill Lilith. After tracking
down and killing Lilith, Sam learns her death is actually the final seal and
Ruby was deceiving him all along. Dean arrives too late to stop him, but the
brothers kill Ruby as Lucifer's cage opens up beneath them and he released upon
the world
File format; mkv 720p HD
File language; English
File size; 3.11
Download type; Torrent